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Thousands of blue streaks are appearing at the South Pole, and that's extremely bad news

The blue streaks may bring about serious consequences for the region of Antarctica in particular and the Earth in General.

Recently, the East Antarctic maps are appearing very much exotic blue streak as shown below.

This is the Lake that are appearing in the Antarctic, with the number growing to thousands. And according to the experts, they are extremely disturbing.

Previously, this phenomenon has occurred in Greenland. The ice in the country suddenly quickly melted, causing Greenland lost thousands of billion tonnes of rock tape in the period 2011-2013. And the cause was given as for the Lake.

The team at Uk after analyzing images from the satellite, the first time they realized that in the period 2000-2013, Antarctica has more than 8,000 lakes appear. Of these, there is the Lake that is formed due to melting ice, and they risk causing the entire ice shelf stability here.

The problem here lies in that, to date, the default still professionals that East Antarctica which immune to impacts from climate change. Therefore, they only focused research area Peninsula of Antarctica-the Antarctic's North Pole area-where there are signs of influence from the climate to warm up.
Thus, knowledge of the region of East Antarctica today is quite limited, and experts fear that this will cause we hardly overcome as well as predictable consequences due to this Lake.
According to Stewart Jamieson, an expert from the UNIVERSITY of Durham (uk): "East Antarctica is the area which is considered stable. The changes are not significant, and the climate is extremely cold, so here is the first to be determined ".
He explained, the temperature rises in summer makes this lakes formed on the surface of the ice. But such Lakes could not survive for long. They may be frozen back-and that's if we're lucky.
Otherwise, the source of the lake water can flow backwards down the iceberg below, or flow out to the glaciers and escape out of the ocean. If the fall in this case, the ice will gradually eroded. Ice structure, accelerate the melting process, like the case of Greenland.
Climate change is the culprit
But why suddenly the Eastern Antarctica appeared too much water in the Lake a few years back?Make sure you also guessed-is due to climate change.
According to the research group, then in the stage of study lasts for 13 years, the summer of 2012-2013 are the hottest summer, including 37 days to "Ocean"-i.e. on 0 degrees c. In this range, the newly formed lakes more often to 36%.

Jamieson said: "we have noticed the appearance of the Lake that has a direct relationship with air temperature. Not only that, both in the number of outdoor, indoor area, the depth of the Lake is no exception ".
At present the experts not enough "confidence" to declare the region East Antarctica are starting to be destroyed. However in July, 2016, the world recorded a record hot summer, along with it's sea level rising fast with unprecedented velocity, that is, more and more of the Lake appeared.
According to Jamieson: "an area of the Lake could not yet big enough to influence too much at the moment, but if the climate continues to change in the future, we just can't stand looking at the number and size of the lake rises".
The research was published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
According To Kenh14, The Young Intellectuals


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