The reason really makes Tim Cook loves Pokemon Go to so well is because it has become a testament to the correctness of the Apple.

Apple's app Store seem like undergoing a silent battle for the future of its own.
Although the array looks like App Store business is becoming increasingly saturated, Apple recently announced that the App Store recorded record high revenue levels this past quarter, increased to 37% over the same period a year ago.
The war between the application inventory
Companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon and Microsoft this year are launching the platform enables developers to build chat bot who helps users perform tasks by voice or message, typically Assistant Amazon voice Echo.
Meanwhile, developers such as Spotify, are increasingly "gang" with Apple taking 30% of the revenue they earn from the sale of services through the App Store and pull the user to gradually buy the service through a browser.
Both of these trends is obvious dangers with Apple: When the developers and users who progressively less dependent on platform in App Store, Apple will lose his position. Should also reiterate that the App Store with the fertile app ecosystem is an important bait pull users to with Apple's hardware products and has the meaning of survival with its ecosystem.

When CEO Tim Cook trying to navigate the company to model make money from an online service, the application distribution platform, other services will become dangerous enemies.
And this is also the reason why Apple is "madness" that Go to the Pokemon phenomenon. Review in the short term, this hit the Apple help earn more money, by the airline was entitled to 1.6 billion share of the sales of this game on iOS devices. A review on the long term, this phenomenon shows the phone app craze hasn't really ended and also represents a victory of Apple in the survival efforts between reversing technology to dizziness.
Cook completely understand this.
Here is an important part of Cook's speech about Pokemon Go to investors in the financial reports of Apple:
"I think this is the most obvious proof that shows the power of these groundbreaking applications (on the App Store platform) that allows the developers to put their products globally is still very large."
In other words, the Pokemon Go is represented for what the essence of the application as well as the platform of the App Store. Enhanced virtual reality technology (AR) of this game requires the need for camera of the device that it cannot become a web app. Pokemon Go also depends greatly on the map area and having to scurry back to catch Pokemon, also means that it cannot act as a chat bot or an application on the PC.
Additionally, Pokemon Go also created a global craze, and the excellent infrastructure of the App Store is to help release titles easily Niantic in many different countries.
The above is why iPhone (and Android devices, though it appears some time later) become "homes" for the breakthrough hit as Pokemon Go. If appearing on other platforms, be sure the Pokemon Hunter may not have such terrible magic. May said the innovative and groundbreaking series fever still entirely possible the application inventory from the App Store.
This is really a triumph of Cook: He has presented is for the investor to see the App Store still has much potential to grow and can become the first step for sure for the shifting strategic model to make money from the online services even while the gambit opponents are attempts to destroy Apple's no. 1 position.
Consult the Business Insider
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